Binh Dinh: Completing infrastructure system - breakthrough for development



Binh Dinh: Completing infrastructure system - breakthrough for development

(TN&MT) – Binh Dinh is considered a province with an extremely important strategic position in the socio-economic development of the key economic region of the Central region, considered the closest and most convenient gateway to the East Sea of ​​the Central Highlands provinces and the Southern Laos, Northeastern Cambodia and Thailand regions. Binh Dinh has all the elements to become a major economic center in the future with seaports, airports, key traffic routes such as national highways, expressways, coastal roads, routes connecting to the Central Highlands region… along with the vision and correct development orientation in the new era…

With that potential and position, over the years, Binh Dinh has focused on building factors to become an attractive place for investors such as infrastructure systems, legal frameworks to support businesses, proactively training high-quality human resources, etc.

Synchronous development of infrastructure system

In the Provincial Planning approved by the Prime Minister, Binh Dinh identified infrastructure as the first factor in the province’s three development breakthroughs. Accordingly, Binh Dinh will deploy the construction and completion of a synchronous and modern socio-economic infrastructure system, especially transport infrastructure for the northern region of the province to promote this growth pole of the province. Forming important traffic routes connecting inter-provincial and inter-regional areas, connecting with Phu Cat Airport and Quy Nhon Port. At the same time, focusing on upgrading and developing the network of technical infrastructure, information infrastructure, urban and industrial infrastructure, especially the central urban areas and dynamic economic zones of the province.

anh-2-2.jpgBinh Dinh is gradually becoming an ideal destination for investors.

In 2023, Binh Dinh attracted 6 newly registered FDI projects with a total investment capital of 46.2 million USD; 5 projects adjusted to increase capital with a total adjusted capital increase of 46.5 million USD. In total, the province has 91 FDI projects with a total registered capital of over 1.19 billion USD, thereby solving a large number of local laborers and attracting a high-quality workforce to work in the province. Regarding domestic investment, in 2023, the province attracted 69 new projects with a total registered capital of 13,709 billion VND. If only industrial production projects are counted, in 2023, it attracted 49 projects with a total registered capital of over 6,515 billion VND, an increase of 44.1% in the total number of projects and an increase of 132.7% in the total registered capital…

Transport infrastructure plays a particularly important role in the development orientation of the province in the next period. In addition to creating links between economic regions and between Binh Dinh and other localities, the transport system is also an important economic corridor of the province. Specifically, the North-South economic corridor (along National Highway 1); the maritime economic corridor (along the coastal road – DT.639), the East-West economic corridor (along the East-West traffic routes of National Highway 19). In the coming time, Binh Dinh will continue to invest in building a provincial road system connecting expressways, national highways to economic zones, key tourist and service areas, roads to industrial zones and clusters, creating a complete road network linking modes of transport, between urban and rural areas and connecting with neighboring provinces. Planning to invest in upgrading and building new roads in the west of the province. Step by step complete and synchronize traffic axes, urban intersections, modernize the inner-city road network associated with urban embellishment, and combine underground technical infrastructure works.

Phu Cat Airport will be invested in a new terminal, expanded parking lot, built a second runway and taxiways in accordance with the planning. Research on the possibility of developing Phu Cat Airport by 2030 as a 4E-class airport (capacity of 5 million passengers/year, 12,000 tons of cargo/year) and converted into an international airport when meeting the prescribed conditions.

Upgrading, expanding, and constructing new ports in the Quy Nhon – Thi Nai – Dong Da port areas, Nhon Hoi port area, and buoy (liquid cargo) ports in Quy Nhon will be relocated in accordance with the expansion process of Quy Nhon port according to the planning. Research on the adjustment orientation to separate Phu My Port into 2 port areas including: Phu My port area in My An and My Tho communes, Phu My district and Hoai Nhon port area in Hoai Nhon town.

Regarding industrial park development, by 2030, Binh Dinh has set a target of having 15 industrial parks with a total area of ​​about 6,714 hectares in the province. In the coming time, Binh Dinh will accelerate the completion of infrastructure and increase the occupancy rate in industrial parks. Focus on completing the construction, putting into operation and expanding the Becamex – VSIP Binh Dinh Industrial – Urban and Service Park, forming the Van Canh – An Nhon – Phu Cat industrial belt, developing the Hoa Hoi Electronics and Semiconductor Industrial Park and Cat Trinh Industrial Park associated with Phu Cat airport urban area, expanding Hoa Hoi Industrial Park. Invest in the construction of new Tay Giang Industrial Park; Industrial Park south of National Highway 19; Phu My Industrial Park; Hoai My Industrial Park; Van Canh Industrial Park and in other localities when conditions permit. Upgrading hard and soft infrastructure systems, designing flexible functional areas to increase opportunities for resource sharing, creating conditions to increase occupancy rates in industrial parks…

Traffic “goes first to pave the way”

Speaking at the Binh Dinh Investment Promotion Conference 2024, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that the province’s viewpoint is to continuously improve and enhance the quality of the investment and business environment to strive to become an ideal destination for domestic and foreign investors. Currently, the province is focusing on implementing a number of breakthrough contents such as urgently completing the infrastructure system. In its development strategy, Binh Dinh chooses transportation to “go first and pave the way”, which is also the key to creating the success of the province’s economic development.

anh-1-3.jpgInfrastructure improvement creates breakthrough for the development of Binh Dinh province

The province has included important regional connectivity contents in the Provincial Planning for the period 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2050, such as prioritizing resources for planning the construction of coastal roads and highways, promoting the development of multi-purpose infrastructure, synchronizing the transport network connecting major economic centers of the region, industrial parks, urban areas, coastal areas with seaports based on economic and natural ecosystems. Completing the North – South traffic system and the East – West cross-road system connecting seaports and provinces of the region with the Central Highlands, in which the Quy Nhon – Pleiku expressway is an expressway axis of special importance in terms of both national defense and economy, promoting the advantage of geo-economic position to create a strategic breakthrough in infrastructure to promote socio-economic development of the Central Highlands. The province is also improving the operational efficiency of the Quy Nhon Port cluster; Plan and supplement large-scale deep-water seaports in the northern region of the province. Invest in and upgrade Phu Cat Airport to gradually become an international airport.

Regarding industrial infrastructure, Binh Dinh has invested in many industrial parks, industrial clusters and prepared many clean land funds, preparing 20 – 30 hectares each year, along the East – West connecting routes, coastal roads to be ready for investors to implement projects. At the same time, the province has prepared attractive price frames for investors. Many industrial parks have infrastructure rental prices at around 25 – 60 USD/m2/50 years, much lower than some other industrial parks in the country,..

The Chairman of the People’s Committee of Binh Dinh province committed that investors will enjoy the highest incentives according to the Government’s regulations on land rent, tax rates, corporate income tax, import tax… Investors will be invested in completing electricity, water, traffic, and telecommunications infrastructure to the project area. Investors are committed to having their problems resolved as quickly as possible through the hotline and the Special Working Group of the Chairman of the People’s Committee of the province with online processing immediately upon receiving information and regular direct meetings…

Source: Tài nguyên môi trường