Plan to implement Binh Dinh Province Planning with vision to 2050



Plan to implement Binh Dinh Province Planning with vision to 2050

(Construction) – On July 31, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha signed Decision 734/QD-TTg promulgating the Plan to implement the Binh Dinh Provincial Planning for the period 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2050.

Kế hoạch thực hiện Quy hoạch tỉnh Bình Định tầm nhìn đến năm 2050

According to the Plan, investment will be made to complete infrastructure to promote the investment efficiency of infrastructure projects that have been and are being implemented using public investment capital. (Photo: Thu Loan)

The plan aims to effectively implement Decision No. 1619/QD-TTg dated December 14, 2023 of the Prime Minister approving the Planning of Binh Dinh province for the period 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2050; develop a roadmap to organize and implement programs and projects to effectively implement the goals and tasks set out in the planning.

In addition, specifically determine the progress and resources for implementing programs and projects to develop policies and solutions to attract social resources in implementing the planning; promote the development of sectors, fields, programs and projects according to the approved planning.

Establish a framework of implementation results for each stage as a basis for reviewing and evaluating the implementation of the plan; consider adjusting and supplementing tasks and solutions to achieve the set development goals.

The content of the Plan on public investment projects is to focus on implementing infrastructure projects that create great spillover effects, especially framework infrastructure (transportation infrastructure, information and communication, science and technology and innovation infrastructure, etc.) to attract investment from other economic sectors to invest in areas serving socio-economic development; agricultural, forestry and fishery projects to ensure stable production, water source safety, social security, natural disaster prevention, climate change response, and sustainable poverty reduction of the locality; projects that require investment to synchronize the provincial planning with other regional and national planning related to Binh Dinh province to ensure promoting efficiency, spillover effects and enhancing the province’s competitiveness in accordance with the needs and ability to balance and mobilize investment capital in each period.

Priority investment projects include: Phu Cat Airport; coastal road of Binh Dinh province, Cat Tien – Diem Van section; construction of coastal road (DT.639) from National Highway 1D – new National Highway 19; connecting road from An Nhon town center to coastal road west of Thi Nai lagoon; construction of connecting road from National Highway 19 to Becamex VSIP Binh Dinh Industrial, Urban and Service Park connecting to Quy Nhon Port…

Investment projects using capital sources other than public investment capital

According to the Plan, investment will be made to complete infrastructure to promote the investment efficiency of infrastructure projects that have been and are being implemented using public investment capital. Investment will be attracted to expand and improve productivity and efficiency of production and business establishments in the province’s dynamic areas and dynamic corridors.

Priority sectors and fields for investment attraction include: Seaport systems, logistics infrastructure; infrastructure of industrial parks and industrial clusters; high-tech processing and manufacturing; information technology and communications infrastructure, artificial intelligence; high-tech agricultural, forestry and fishery zones; green economic development projects, circular economy; development of coastal wind power, offshore wind power, solar power, biomass power and new energy sources, clean water supply projects; infrastructure for education, healthcare, culture, science and innovation, sports, environment, trade, services, tourism, etc.

Solutions to attract investment for development

According to the Plan, the province will study, adjust and supplement mechanisms and policies to attract investment, prioritize high-tech, environmentally friendly industrial projects, and generate revenue for the budget. Develop breakthrough policies and mechanisms in accordance with legal regulations to attract strategic investors as a driving force to promote socio-economic development.

Improve the quality of investment promotion activities, create an open, transparent and attractive investment environment for domestic and foreign investors. Focus on investing in technical infrastructure outside the fences of tourist areas, industrial zones and clusters such as: electricity, water supply, roads; carry out site clearance well, create conditions for investors to implement investment projects on schedule.

In addition, strengthen and organize dialogue conferences between enterprises and authorities at all levels; regularly monitor, review and evaluate investor support activities, have a mechanism to collect feedback and recommendations from investors, and promptly resolve investors’ recommendations in accordance with current laws.

Building an information system to serve investment promotion activities; completing administrative procedures in registering and implementing investment projects. Reviewing and shortening the time for processing work documents and reforming administrative procedures.

In addition, the province will continue to promote administrative procedure reform, especially administrative procedures in appraisal and issuance of investment policy approval decisions/investment registration certificates to create an investment environment; review and revoke investment certificates/investment registration certificates for projects that are slow to implement and ineffective…

Source: Báo Xây Dựng.